Bichon havanese jófogás

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Eladó bichon havanese - Magyarország - Jófogás. 12 bichon havanese apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. Bichon havanese árak, bichon havanese olcsón, bichon havanese vásárlás a Jófogáson. Jófogás - közel 1,5 millió termék egy helyen. Eladó bichon a - Magyarország - Jófogás. 14 bichon a apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. Bichon a árak, bichon a olcsón, bichon a vásárlás a Jófogáson. Jófogás - közel 1,5 millió termék egy helyen. Bichon havanese törzskönyvezhető kiskutyák - Jófogás. Eladó Bichon havanese törzskönyvezhető kiskutyák: Diamond Mini Miracle kennelben gyönyörű Bichon Havanese kiskutyáink megszülettek csodaszép törzskönyvezett, tenyészszemlés szülőpártól, kiváló champion vérvonalból. A picik jól szocializált, gyermekszerető, végtelenül kedves kiskutyák. Szőrük nem hullik és nem okoz allergiát, azonban rendszeres fésülést .. Bichon-Havanese - Pécs, Baranya - Kutya - Jófogás. Jófogás Szabadidő, sport Házi- és haszonállat Kutya Baranya Pécs Bichon-Havanese Kedvenc 4 db Ingyen elvihető Tulajdonságok Helység: Pécs Kategória: Kutya Szín: Bicolor Méret: Kis termetű - pl.: Tacskó Fajta: Egyéb Életkor: 6 hónapos alatt Ivar: Hím Egyéb adatok: Kötelező oltásokat megkapta, Parazitamentes, Chippel rendelkezik Leírás. Bichon havanese kiskutyák eladók - XI. kerület, Budapest - Jófogás. Bichon havanese kiskutyák eladók: Bichon havanese gyönyörű gyerkőcök keresnek gazdikat. 9 hetesek. 2 x oltva,féregtelenítve,mikrochippel ,oltási könyv. Jófogás - közel 1,5 millió termék egy helyen. Bishon havanese Kutya eladó, ingyen elvihető - Startapró.hu. Eladó, ingyen elvihető Bishon havanese Kutya hirdetések , területén. Több tucat friss, ellenőrzött eladó Bishon havanese Kutya hirdetés. start apró .hu Hirdetésfeladás. BICHON HAVANESE • Eladó és ingyen elvihető bichon havanese-ek • Kutya .. Bármilyen állattal jól kijön. Bichon Havanese apróhirdetések - Eladó és ingyen elvihető bichon havanese-ek, fajtatiszta kutyák, kiskutyák és ingyenes kutya apró az honlapon.. Eladó havanese kutyák - 1 | A kullancsveszély A tavaszi melegebb idő beköszöntével egyre nagyobb lesz az esély, hogy kutyánkat megtalálja a bolha és a kullancs. A kullancs komoly fenyegetést jelenthet, ha nem vagyunk elég figyelmesek és gondosak. Magyarország nagyon fertőzött a kullancs előfordulását tekintve, ezért nagyon kell óvnunk kis kedvenceinket.. Eladó havanese kutyák - 3 | 77 2024. 01

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. 11:26 Bichon havanese kiskutyák eladók Gyönyörű ezüst és fekete,/ezüst színü havanese gyerekek keresnek gazdikat. 9 hetesek. 2 oltást meg kapták,rendszeresen féregtelenítve. Havanese Több kutyus BUDAPEST 10 hetes 65,000 Ft. Eladó havanese kutyák - 2 | Bichon Havanese Szuka Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 8 hetes 180,000 Ft Részletek Kedvenceimhez ad 31 2024. 01. 07. 11:32 Bichon havanese Tündéri havanese kan kiskutyák oltva rendszeresen féreghajtva nagyon kedvesek játékosak szeretögazdinak eladók Bichon havanes Kan Pest megye 14 hetes 55,000 Ft. Bichon havanese - kutyazona. Tartalomjegyzék Bichon havanese jellemzői: kutyafajta csoportja: társasági kutya magasság : 20-27 cm súly: 3-6 kg élethossz: 12-15 év Kinek való leginkább: Gyermekes családoknak, egyedülállóknak, időseknek, lakásban élőknek, ház udvarral / udvar nélkül Temperamentuma: Boldog, kíváncsi, játékos, szeretetteljes. Bichon Havanese Magyarország - Facebook. Bichon Havanese Magyarország. 7,564 likes. A bichon havanese - ahogy neve mutatja - a bichon családfa Kubába elszármazott változata. Kialakulására.. A bichon havanese gondozása, tulajdonságai és etetése - PetChef. A bichon havanese gondozása, tulajdonságai és etetése Ha egy kis kubai vidámságot szeretnél otthonodba, akkor a bichon havanese neked való. Okos, élénk, jól tanítható, és igazán ragaszkodó fajta. Bármikor benne van egy kis játékban vagy sétában de az sem baj neki, ha éppen babusgatnád. Társaságban barátságos, más állatokkal is jól kijön.. Bichon Havanese (Havannai Pincs) fajtaleírás - zooplus Magazin. Kicsi & kompakt Kicsi, kompakt test rövid lábakkal. A havannai pincs vállmagassága 28 cm, a súlya maximum 6 kg. Bár ez a kicsi négylábú a „bichonok" közé tartozik, a többi „pincsihez" képest -mely a francia „bichon" szó fordítása- nem csak fehér színben létezik, hanem barnás árnyalatokban, szürkében, bézs valamint foltos változatban is.. Bichon havanese | A mindent magába foglaló fajtaleírás - DogX. A bichon havanese olyan, akár a meleg napsugár, fénye mindenkit elér, még a legszomorúbb hétköznapokba is boldogságot csempész. Hazájában, Kubában bichon havanais-ként ismerik, és az arisztokrácia révén hozzászokott az úri bánásmódhoz, amiből a mai napig nem enged.. Gazdira várnak - Vigyél Haza Alapítvány, az árva és sérült kutyákért .. Ők alapítványunknál, oltva, ivartalanítva, mikrochippel ellátva, egészségesen várják szerető gazdáikat. Újabb kutyusokat akkor tudunk megmenteni, gyógyítani, szocializálni, ha örökbe adunk a gazdira váró kutyáink közül néhányat. Hívjál minket! 06 20 934 4826 Az örökbe fogadás menetéről itt olvashatsz. Gazdira vár.. A kubai vidám szeretetgombóc - Bichon Havanese - Kutyakajas. A bichon havanese kutya ápolása. Aki egy bichon kiskutya tulandonosa szeretne lenni, jobb, ha ideje korán megszokja a napi rutint. Nem a kutya, hanem a gazdi. Hiszen ezek a kutyák egy átlagos rövidszőrű ebhez képest sokkal több gondoskodást igényelnek. Minden reggel a szemüket a könnytől és csipától át kell törölni.. A bichon havanese kutya világhódító útja Kubából. Méretét tekintve a legnagyobb bichon kutyafajtának tekinthető, súlya a felnőtt havanese 4-7 kg között van. Kuba szigetére először másik ismert elődje, a tenerifei kutya került a 16. században, ugyanis Kuba első telepesei a Kanári-szigetekről, köztük Teneriféről érkeztek. Korabeli hajónaplók tanúskodnak arról, hogy .. Bichon havanese fajtaleírás | A bichon havanese kutya egy igazán problémamentes társ. Élénk és játékos, mindig készen áll egy kis bolondozásra. A csaholás nem jellemző rá, azonban, ha nincs kellőképp leterhelve, ugatással jelezheti azt, hogy több figyelmet igényel. Ettől függetlenül nincs nagy mozgásigénye, így lakásban is jól tarható.. Eladó bichon havanese - Kutya - Magyarország - Jófogás. Keress és válogass közel másfélmillió hirdetés közül bárhol is vagy. 11 bichon havanese apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. Bichon havanese árak, bichon havanese olcsón, bichon havanese vásárlás a Jófogáson.. Eladó bichon - Magyarország - Jófogás. 15 bichon apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. Bichon árak, bichon olcsón, bichon vásárlás a Jófogáson. Jófogás - közel 1,5 millió termék egy helyen. Eladó havanese - Magyarország - Jófogás. 13 havanese apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. Havanese árak, havanese olcsón, havanese vásárlás a Jófogáson. Jófogás - közel 1,5 millió termék egy helyen. Eladó havanese - Kutya - Magyarország - Jófogás. Keress és válogass közel másfélmillió hirdetés közül bárhol is vagy. 12 havanese apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. Havanese árak, havanese olcsón, havanese vásárlás a Jófogáson.. How Much Does a Havanese Cost? 2024 Price Guide | Hepper. In general, you wont find a Havanese puppy from a breeder for less than $1,000. If you do, it should raise a few red flags because these dogs are probably bred in puppy mills, a practice that is not only inhumane but will also result in unhealthy puppies overall. A Havanese costs between $1,000 and $1,500, but some prices are as high as $2,500.. Havamalt (Havanese & Maltese Mix): Pictures, Guide, Info, Care & More .

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. The Havanese Is Part of the Bichon Family. The Havanese is the only breed native to Cuba and is part of the Bichon family. In the past, they have gone by the name of Havanese Cuban Bichon. The Havanese breed came close to extinction in the 1950s and 1960s. Thankfully, three families had left Cuba for the United States that were responsible for .. Dogs 101: Havanese - YouTube. Video from Animal Planet, Dogs 101: Havanese. Bichon Frise vs Havanese Breed Comparison | BeChewy. Bichon Frise Temperament. If the movie biz was composed entirely of canines, the Bichon Frise would win a Peoples Choice Award. Their charming personality effortlessly captures everyones attention, including other pups. The Bichon is a lover, not a fighter and has a natural urge to engage with other people and pet.. Maltichon (Bichon Frise x Maltese Mix): All You Need to Know. As an adult, the maltichon should weigh between 9 and 13 pounds and is typically between 8 and 11 inches tall. It is definitely one of the smaller bichon frise crossbreeds around. However, the maltichon should be handled with care regardless of its boisterous personality because these dainty dogs are prone to injuries.. Havanese vs Bichon Frise: Whats The Difference? - helloBARK!. Havanese usually grow to a height range between 8.5 and 11.5 inches. These Cuban dogs tend to weigh between 7 and 13 pounds. Bichon Frise are between 9.5 and 11.5 inches tall, so they can be marginally taller than their Havanese counterparts. Theyre a little bit heavier with an average weight of 12 to 18 pounds.. Havanese Puppies For Sale • Adopt Your Puppy Today • Infinity Pups. Havanese Breed history. The Havanese name comes from the capital of Cuba - Havana. The exact ancestry is unknown, but it is assumed that many other Toy breeds have an impact on the Havanese line, including the Bichon Frise, Maltese, and several Toy Poodle lines

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. The earliest Havanese ancestors were brought to Cuba by the Spanish in the 1600s and 1700s.. Compare Dog Breeds - American Kennel Club. West Highland White Terrier. Whippet. Wire Fox Terrier. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. Wirehaired Vizsla. Xoloitzcuintli. Yorkshire Terrier. Compare Breeds. Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC .. Havanese Dog Breed Health and Care | PetMD. The following may contain Chewy links. PetMD is operated by Chewy. The Havanese is an energetic and entertaining toy breed belonging to the Barbichon family of dogs, along with the Bichon Frise, Bolognese and Maltese.Standing just under 1 one foot in height, a full-grown Havanese weighs between 7-13 pounds.. Bichon Frise vs. Havanese: Which Breed to Get? - Bichon World. The bichon frise is slightly bigger on average than the Havanese

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. Typically, the bichon frise weighs between ten and twenty pounds and stands between nine and eleven inches at the shoulders. The Havanese usually weigh between seven and thirteen pounds. They typically stand between eight-and-a-half and eleven-and-a-half inches tall.. Havanese - Canadas Guide to Dogs. The Havanese is a member of the Bichon family. The breed originated in the Western Mediterranean region and developed along the Spanish and Italian coastal regions. It is believed that the Haveneses ancestors were brought to Cuba aboard trade ships sailing from the island of Tenerife. The Havanese is the National Dog of Cuba and its only .. Havanese Hair Matting: All You Need to Know - Bichon World. Step 1: Gather the Supplies. Its recommended to use a spray (with water or, even better, detangling conditioner) to make the hair moist (but not very wet). Youll also want to place a towel underneath (that will catch the loose hairs), a wide-tooth comb and brush, and bathing supplies.. 14 Pros and Cons of Owning a Havanese Dog Breed. 1. Many Havanese dogs suffer from anxiety issues. Small dogs tend to overcompensate with their stature and noise as a way to announce their presence, and Havanese are no exception to this rule. They can be loud and obnoxious at times, especially when they are playing or feel threatened.. Full Grown Havanese: When, Size, Weight & More - Bichon World. Full Grown Havanese Size and Weight. When fully grown, a Havanese will be between 7 and 13 pounds and will measure between 8 and 12 inches. It is this slight size that earned them their place in the toy breed category. There will, of course, be exceptions on either side of this average, but it is unlikely that the breed will differ greatly from .. Havanese Dog Breed Information & Characteristics - DogTime. The Havanese is a small toy dog breed from Cuba with a rounded face, floppy ears, and either curly or straight long hair. They have friendly, affectionate, and playful personalities. These dogs .. Havanese - The French word Bichon Frise means "fleecy dog" or "curly lap dog." "Bichon" refers to the bearded appearance of the breed, as the word "barbichon" means little beard, while the word "Frise" means curly. The Bichon Havanese originated in Cuba from an earlier breed known as Blanquito de la Habana (also called Havanese Silk Dogâ. Havachon (Bichon Frise & Havanese Mix): Info, Pictures . - Hepper. 3 Little-Known Facts About the Havachon Puppies. 1. Bichon Frise and Havanese are both Bichons. These are both derivatives of Tenerife dogs that originated in Spain. 2. Bichon Frise came to the US with Italian sailors who found the dog in Spain. The sailors were so enamored with the dog that they brought them back to Italy.. Bichon Havanais, Havanese kennel, Bichon Havanese breeder. We purchased our starter Sarplaninac and Bichon Havanais dogs in 1996. Ever since this time we have been breeding them. We now specialize in Havanese dogs

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. All of our dogs have full, good coats, excellent color pigment and strong bones. They posses all the best characteristics of their breed. Our male lines are well known for their siring ability.. Havanese Colors: All You Need to Know - Bichon World. Havanese Eye Colors. The genes responsible for coat color also impact the Havaneses eye color. In general, it depends on their genetics: Dogs with black pigment usually have medium brown, dark brown, or black eyes. Chocolate Havanese often have lighter eye colors, including light brown or hazel. Black or blue dogs may have blue or grey eyes.. Havanese Dog Breed Information and Pictures. The Bichon Havanese originated in the 19th century (1800-11899). It was continually bred in Cuba all through the 20th century (1900-1999) and was the preferred pet/dog of Cuban families. Breeding the Havanese in the USA only started in the 1970s. In the 1960s many Cubans migrated to USA. Most Cuban refugees settled in Florida and some brought .. Bichon Frise vs. Maltese vs. Havanese - Bichon World

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. As they are members of the same family, the three breeds have several common characteristics. Maltese, Havanese, and bichons frises are similar in size. That said, the Maltese can be slightly smaller and lighter than the other two. While they can be extremely cute, it is better for you to avoid "teacup" bichon frise and Maltese pups because .. Top 6 Havanese Haircuts - Styles For 2023. Top Havanese Hairstyles. 1. The Natural Havanese. This is a favourite amongst the hairstyles for the Havanese dog. It involves a whole lot of grooming, brushing and no clippers! By letting your dogs coat grow unimpeded by haircuts, you will find your Havanese in its most comfortable and natural state.. History - Havanese Club of America

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. The Havanese is the National dog of Cuba and its only native breed. The flag of Spain was first raised over Cuba by Christopher Columbus in November of 1492. In the ten years following, colonization was begun on the island by Spain, who owned it for the better part of the next four hundred years. The first settlers came from two distinct .. Havanese • helloBARK!. These Cuban dogs usually grow to a height between 8.5 and 11.5 inches (22 to 29 cm). However, the AKCs breed standard outline the ideal height is between 9 and 10.5 inches. Havanese will usually weigh between 7 and 13 pounds. Theyre usually 9 to 10.5 inches (23 to 27 cm) at the withers. The AKC add in their breed standard:. Havanese Dogs Breed - Information, Temperament, Size & Price - Pets4Homes. The Havanese boasts an interesting lineage being related to many other breeds native to the Mediterranean. This includes the Bichon Frise the Maltese the Coton de Tulear the Lowchen and the Bolognese.However the breed was developed in Cuba and it is thought that several of these breeds are in their ancestry with the first white Bichon-type dog having been introduced to Cuba during the 16th and .. Bichon - Wikipedia. Bichon Frise. A bichon is a distinct type of toy dog; it is typically kept as a companion dog.Believed to be descended from the Barbet, it is believed the bichon-type dates to at least the 11th century; it was relatively common in 14th-century France, where they were kept as pets of the royalty and aristocracy. From France, these dogs spread throughout the courts of Europe, with dogs of very .. Havanese - Characteristics and character - Dogs breeds - Pets. Like all kind dogs Bichon, as the Coton de Tulear, the Bolognese or the Maltese, the Havanese has its origins in the western Mediterranean, on the Spanish and Italian coasts. There are several theories about its appearance. According to some historians, descends from Bichón de Tenerife, that was brought to Cuba in the 18th century, when several settlers began to settle on the island.. Havanese: Whats Good About Em, Whats Bad About Em - Your Purebred Puppy. Havanese can be allergic to fleas, grass, pollen, and so on. Allergies cause a dog to scratch and chew himself into horrendous skin conditions. Other concerns in the breed are urinary problems and bladder stones, along with loose knee joints that may require surgery. Read more about Havanese Health.. Small Dogs That Dont Shed - American Kennel Club. The Terrier group is full of small dogs that dont shed or shed minimally. Wiry- and coarse-haired Terriers shed less than other breeds, making Terriers ideal small dogs for people who dont .. Looking For Mix Breed Reviews - We are now focusing fully on dog training and pet parenting. So you may find that the breed review you were looking for has gone. Im sorry to disappoint you, but hope youll stick around for our awesome training guides and courses. We have lots of new ones in the pipeline. Meanwhile, you can sign up for my email training tips using the box .. Are Havanese Hypoallergenic Dogs? | Hypoallergenic Dog. Havanese Temperament. This sweet little toy dog has a fantastic personality! Often described as playful, affectionate, and companionable, these dogs are known to be incredibly loyal to their owners and their families. The Havanese is even sometimes described as a " velcro dog " breed, due to their intense need to stick close to those they love!. They are lively and bright little dogs that .. Gyönyörű szép hófehér kisméretű Bichon Havanese kiskutyák. Kennelünkben Gyönyörű kis méretű hófehér dús szőrű minőségi Bichon Havanese kiskutyák eladók . Minőségi tápon, szeretetben, tisztán családtagként nevelkedtek . Rendesen oltva, sorszámozott oltási kis könyvvel rendelkeznek, és féregtelenítve vannak . A szobatisztaságra szoktatásuk elkezdődött és szépen haladnak .. Havanese Dog Breed Info | Petfinder. The Havanese is one of the Barbichon (later shortened to Bichon) family of small dogs originating in the Mediterranean in ancient times. Spanish traders brought some of these dogs with them as gifts for Cuban women, allowing them to establish trading relationships. In Cuba, the little dogs were pampered as the special pets of the wealthy.

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. Maltipoo vs Havanese Comparison - Which dog is better Maltapoo or .. Maltipoo vs Havanese weight gain potential comparison: Low to Average: The Maltipoo has a low to the average risk for obesity. See more. Average to High: If you dont pay attention to the Havaneses weight, he can easily gain weight. See more.. Havanese Dog Colors: A Complete List of All 16 Recognized Coat Colors. Not all types of dogs have a wide range of color patterns and variations like the Havanese. Havanese dogs could be blue, silver, black, brindle, champagne, chocolate, sable, gold, red, cream & white, or even a combination of these different colors. Because of this huge color variety, its quite hard to predict the color of the puppies.. Are Havanese Dogs Smart? - Bichon World. At least 50% of the time, the dog will obey the first command. The Havanese is overall considered an intelligent and smart dog - this is because it is always eager to please its owner, so it will listen to you as long as you use praise and positive training techniques. They are also excellent watchdogs, so their instinctive intelligence is .. Bichon Frise vs. Havanese: How Are They Different? (With Pictures .. The Havanese likely shares a common ancestor with the Bichon Frise. They were bred to be lap dogs and companions to aristocrats and wealthy plantation owners. Their origins are in Cuba, where they were named after the capital city, Havana. They are the only native breed of dog from Cuba, so naturally, the Havanese is the National Dog there.

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. Havanese vs Boston Terrier Comparison - Which dog is better Bichon .. Havanese dogs tend to have separation anxiety when their owners left them alone at home because they bond very closely with them. Boston Terrier dogs do best when a family member is at home during the day or if their workplace is dog-friendly so they can take the dog at work.. Bichon Frise Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club. The breeds glory is a white hypoallergenic coat, plush and velvety to the touch, featuring rounded head hair that sets off the large, dark eyes and black leathers of the nose and lips. Bichons .. Bichon Frise vs Havanese: Which One Is Right for Me? (With Pictures). Havanese dogs are amiable and playful. Their outgoing personality gives them an advantage over Bichon Frise dogs, which can be somewhat timid around strangers. Aside from being highly sociable, Havanese are also intelligent, making them easy to train and an ideal pick for first-time dog owners. Their moderate energy levels mean they require .. Havanese vs Yorkshire Terrier Comparison - Which dog is better Bichon .. Havanese Cuban Bichon Havaneser Havanezer Bichon Havanese : Yorkie : Breed Type. Which dog is purebred or crossbreed? Havanese vs Yorkshire Terrier breed type comparison: Purebred : Purebred : Havanese vs Yorkshire Terrier Size and Weight Comparison .. Colors / Colours in Havanese - Havaneser Farben - info chocolate brown .. What is a chocolate colored Havanese ? A chocolate coloured Havanese is a dog with a chocolate or liver coloured coat AND with a brown nose, brown eyelids, brown lips and brown soles!. Shih Tzu vs. Havanese — Whats the Difference? (With Pictures). The Shih Tzu is very comfortable relaxing on the sofa with its companions while the Havanese are ready to be on the go. Both dogs are very cheerful, happy, and terrific, with familiar faces and strangers alike. The Havanese is more of a watchdog, notifying their owners of any newcomers. The Shih Tzu is a bit yappy—depending on the dog.. Caney Fork Bichon. Caney Fork Bichon is located in the middle Tennessee area. We are hobby breeders of Bichon Frise, Havanese and select designer mix puppies. We are dedicated to raising beautiful, healthy, happy, AKC puppies for people to love as members of their families. Although we do not show our dogs, we strive to produce puppies that are a compliment to .. [Breed] Bichon Frise vs Toy Poodle vs Havanese : r/dogs - Reddit. This does mean, however, that none of them will shed much at all. All three breeds are very trainable, because theyre bred to be companions and they excel at it! Personally, I find toy poodles to be a little more intense, or even high-strung, and bichon to be a bit more happy-go-lucky or clownish.. Poodle vs Havanese Comparison - Which dog is better Barbone or Bichon .. Poodle vs Havanese energy level comparison: Poodle dogs have a higher energy level than other dog breeds. Havanese dogs have an average energy level, so if you live a semi-active life, this breed can be a good choice for you. Low-Energy Dog Breeds. High-Energy Dog Breeds.. Havanese Rescue. Havanese Rescue Inc. (HRI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed for the charitable purposes of rescuing purebred Havanese and Havanese mixes which are homeless or soon-to-be-homeless, including those found in animal shelters or similar facilities and those relinquished by their owners. The dogs are provided with the attention, care and medical treatment necessary including spay/neutering.. Havachon | Havanese and Bichon Frise Mix. Havanese Bichon Frise mix dogs have round skulls and intelligent dark brown eyes. With furry ears hanging on either side of their heads, Havachons have small black noses. Havachon dogs feature a rectangular body with fairly short limbs. Havachon tail is densely furred and elegantly curves above the dogs back.. Bolognese - Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club. The Bolognese is a rather serious dog and generally not high energy, but is intelligent and witty. A small companion breed originating in Italy, the Bolognese is a calm, faithful dog with a long ..